Tuesday, May 8, 2007

Exciting new developments!

There are many exciting things happening right now in the land of Perry. Here is a run-down of this week:

New volunteer!
Perry has a new volunteer, Rachel Schultz!
She comes to us from Huron High School, where she is vice president of the National Honor Society. She will be helping Miss Michelle and Miss Janis in the Gold room, where she will practice her Spanish-speaking skills.

Roxella was very excited to meet her last Thursday as she asked, "Are you going to stay?"

Perry Video
This week some of our parents, teachers, staff and board members already have or will soon view the draft of our video. The video, which includes parent testimonials, video of children, and staff relays the mission of Perry in a 7-minute time span.

It's emotional, funny at times, and very real. The parent testimonials really tugged at my heart, and made me want to run around and hug every child at Perry and their parents too.

The video will be shown at the "Legacy Builder's Breakfast" as well as at outreach events and presentations to potential sponsors and supporters.

Thanks to
Russell Video Services for their hard work!

Legacy Builder's Breakfast
Don't forget the date! May 16, 2007 from 8 a.m. to 9 a.m. at the Morris Lawrence Building, Washtenaw Community College. We still need volunteers to help before, during and after the event. Please E-mail Us to find out more.

Camp Perry!
We are busy passing out fliers and preparing for Camp Perry. Remember the dates: June 11-24. ALL children preschool through kindergarten age are welcome, regardless of income. Know of a friend who may be interested? Are you able to post our flyer on a communication board at your place of employment? Please let us know!

Peek-At-Perry Tours
Our monthly tours will resume into the summer, dates TBA. Please start thinking of who you know may be interested in attending our 1-hour tours. Our goal is to get 10-12 guests out at each tour!

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