Friday, June 15, 2007

Tons of Recaps!

There is always a lot going on here at Perry! Here are some recaps of the preview weeks:

Farewell to Friends
June 7th, 2007

It was a night to remember, when Perry's kindergarten students walked up and down the steps to receive their certificates and bid "farewell" to Miss Pat.

This is Perry's last kindergarten class, as we will no longer include our kindergarten program beginning next fall.

Farewell to all our kindergarten students and we wish you the best of luck!

(above) Erik proudly receives his certificate

Field Day
June 8th, 2007
The morning and afternoon of June 8th, we had Field Day! Volunteers from Deloitte came and barbecued hot dogs, helped beautify our landscaping and took charge of the children's games. Thanks Deloitte for all your hard work, even in the rain!

(left)Deloitte volunteers cheer Kylee On!
(bottom) Big thanks to Boo Boo the Clown!

Camp Perry!
June 11, 2007

Camp Perry sprung into action with a near full enrollment! As of today, there are only three spots available. If you are interested in enrolling your child, or know of anyone who may be interested, please contact us at (734)677-8130. Camp Perry continues through August 24th.

Bubble Man!
June 13, 2007

I knew something exciting was about to happen when I came into work that morning. The children were gathered in the center of the play area, and I saw a gigantic metal stand with a small area on top filled with bubble mix.

"What's going on?" I asked Linda in the office.

"Bubble Man!" answered Cindy, "You have to see what he does!"

Sure enough, I was thoroughly impressed by the show.

(above) The grand finale! With one sweep of the hand, Ron Loyd ("Bubbleman") sends zillions of little to filled the room!
(below left) The children watch on as Bubble Man performs
(below right) Have you ever seen such a giant bubble?!
"Peek at Perry"
Our monthly public tours will resume again in the fall. It's not too early to plan on attending one! Here are the dates:

9/13 All tours are 8 a.m. to 9 a.m.

10/11 If you have any questions about the tours, feel free to contact:

11/13 Heavenly Jackson, (734) 677-8130

12/11 Please also keep in mind the tours are scheduled, however if the dates and times

1/15 are not convenient for you, please let us know. We can schedule private tours.


3/20 At our tours, you will get a walk-thru, hear from our president and director, and
learn about our plans for the future!

In The Week Ahead...

Parent/Child Workshop on Personal Safety
June 21
4 p.m.

This rescheduled workshop is now for both children and parents. We are encouraging parents to attend the workshop when they come to pick up their children.

Remember... a quick re-cap of the workshop will be posted on next weeks blog for those of you who couldn't attend.

And finally...

Why I Love Perry Reason of The Week!
Our in-house speech therapist, Julie Kennel
My office door is located directly across from the table she works at. I always get excited when she comes in, because I know I will able hear her working with the children from my office.
It's pretty amazing, but after hearing the same children over and over, I can really tell when they are improving.
Although my back is to the office door, I still feel a part of the sessions, because I am learning just as the child is.
Thank you Julie for all you do! I look forward to seeing you soon!

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